Rule Yourself

 In Life

Do you love Stephen Curry? Well I do – a lot. You want to know what I love even more? Stephen Curry’s recent Under Armour Campaign – Rule Yourself. I was watching the Raptors play on TV  when this commercial came on. I literally removed my hand from the bag of Tostitos I was snacking on and felt compelled to spend the rest of the commercial breaks holding planks. It was a great reminder to take control of where I want to be. Take 30 seconds to watch this video:


Please tell me that had you fired up as much as I was. So many powerful messages in this short clip. Let’s explore a bit, shall we?

1) Day in, Day out, Day in, Day out

If you want it, you have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year to take the necessary steps to do it. Every day you don’t you have that much more ground to catch up on the next day, the next week, and the next year. It’s not motivation or passion that will take you there – it’s your every day habits that will be the change.

2) In Sport (and anything you are trying to achieve), you are the sum of your training and preparation

There is a direct relationship between what you put in and what you get out. You alone control this. Some days it may feel as though you are not, but if you take a few steps back, 99% of the time you are in control of outcomes. Every missed training session, practice, late night, overdue project…you take from the bank. If you are struggling, there are people who can help you with that. Sometimes you just have to say no. Sometimes you need to remind yourself where you intend to be.

3) Rule Yourself

The most powerful message of all. Quiet the noise. Put away the blame. Make it happen. It is, afterall, your life. Day in, day out.


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